Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!


(yes that is our chosen tree on the ground...just chopped :-)

Wishing happiness, joy and peace for the holidays!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day. Big Bad Collars.

My Dad, Air Force served 1952-1972

These posts are always hard to do.  I want to thank all the veterans I know...but the list just becomes too long, too overwhelming.  

There is so much to thank.

We all have moments, conversations, that stick with us.  On these days in particular, when I wonder about the state of the world, the hope for the world, I always think of an answer my brother gave me many years ago.

He was on tour in one of the many political quagmires of the world that of course had turned horrifically violent.  This part of the world has seen violence for centuries...and probably will see it again.
I asked him if there was any hope.  I asked him if there was any long term purpose to what he was doing.

His answer was very short and simple.

"I don't know.

I do know that because I am here, at least today, children will not be gunned down by snipers when they walk to school."

There is so much to thank.

Friday, October 7, 2011

My latest love! Big Bad Collars.

~~I am in love.  He has stolen my heart~~

Yes, I was having a little too much fun...but the idea of the matching hair piece was just too good to pass over!

Black Collar on Black Dog
I love putting black collars on black dogs:  the collar disappears and just the band of deocration shows


Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 years...I remember.

10 years ago I got up, like most people on the west coast, to make coffee...turn on the news...and the world changed.

I was 7 months pregnant.

I remember frantically making phone calls, checking lists, waiting to know if old friends working in the financial district were safe.

I remember shopping in Costco...normally filled with noise...we all walked silently, no one talking as we strained to hear the radio news reports broadcasting over the store loud speakers.

I remember jumping nervously every time at the sound of a plane flying over.  I noticed this change because I grew up next to a major air force base where the noise of B-52 fly overs were common place.  Unusual fly overs still bother me.

I remember always stumbling over the date September 11th, even in the most trivial matters.  I remember noticing others doing it too...unable to say the date without a small pause after.

I remember throwing away the box cutter that sat unnoticed in my drawer for years but now glared out at me with all its hideousness.

I remember stories that still bring tears to my eyes.  Stories of self sacrifice.  Stories of kindness.  Stories of people helping one another.  Stories of dedication to people who had never met.

That is the memorial I wish to see.  Humanity that is greater than itself.  That is what I will remember.  I will remember the gift we were and continue to be given by those who keep us safe.  That is what I will celebrate.  The care, sacrifice, bravery, concern and dedication we show to one another.  That is the memorial I would erect.

I will remember our greatest moments shown in our darkest hours.

That is what I will never forget.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


This was about the most exciting weekend I have seen in a while!  (Well, okay, baring emergency rooms, brake failures, lost teeth and child births...but this was definitely on the Richter Scale!)

I have not followed a sporting event this closely since the Arizona Diamondbacks were in the Superbowl World Series.  (It actually was my first time to watch a WHOLE baseball game).  Before that it was when Riverbank High School (where I taught at the time) made it to State for Basketball and we all waited with bated breath to know if the three point full court! shot (lob) to win the game, buzzer ringing while it was in the air, would go in (and it did).

I don't want to waste something so big all in one post...sooo... I will just say now that it involves the words championship and world.  Stay Tuned!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Latigo Belts and Dog Collars
Latigo Belt with Cowskulls

Retro Bark Cloth Purse with Patent Leather, Latigo Dog Collars leashes

Retro Purse, High Impact Leather Dog Collar, Latigo Belts

New Dog Collar!

Dobermans, Fountains and Dog Collars

Happy Dobermans, Beautiful Dog Collars...and a fountain

Latigo Leather High Impact Dog Collar


Peace and Love Belt

The best part of Latigo Leather...just polishes right up!

Leather Belts, peace and love and plain

Coin Latigo Belt

Thank you John, Annette and Marcella!

Thursday, August 18, 2011




EMAIL ME...your dog wants their collar!
ps...this ain't over
stayed tuned for more... 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Holy Blog-away! Batman! Big Bad Collars.

Thanks to the wonderful support from Stephen Parsons at
it has become painfully aware that my web presence is lacking!  The man has 
a phone app 
for god's sake! 
DOBERMAN by Stephen Parsons
in the app store.  And he let me be in it!  
(And this from a woman who can't even operate the "mute" button on her always "mutes" when I don't want it to!...Although my husband would probably say he wishes I had a "mute" button...)

THEREFORE:  since I have no clue regarding the computer, I will do what I do know:  
Dog Collars!

blog-away time 

My facebook is pathetic.  No really.  Pathetic.  I have never told anyone it exists.  There are some really awesome people there who found me on their own.  And I love you for it!'s time!

LIKE  me!
on FACEBOOK to enter.  
Not on facebook? 
EMAIL me! 
EMAIL and FACEBOOK = enter twice!


Let's Do This Thing!

Blog Away closes August 16th, Tuesday Midnight (pacific)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Nemesis. Big Bad Collars.

If it grows in the desert, it is a weed.  If one of these desert weeds ever get water...they will conquer and destroy all around them!

My Nemesis

I have more scars from trimming this thing.  I live in terror than some kid will get tangled in those thorns...and be scarred for life...or worse!.  About every 4 months, we take out about half...and like an evil Hydra it comes back huger than ever!
 is coming down!

Before you assume I am have lost my tree hugging roots, do NOT assume.  It is just that that thing is not huggable!. 

I am thinking a lovely Jacaranda to replace it.  Desert, low water use...and Fluffy Purple Flowers can't hurt anyone!  And in true desert fashion, a Tombstone Rose to cover and cool the house wall!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mastiff Collar Big Bad Collars



Mastiff Collar
I have this beautiful piece waiting on my worktable for a lovely home!  
It is 2 inches wide, 
fits 22-26 inches (22, 23, 24, 25 26).  
Heavy Latigo, 
2 inch solid brass buckle,
center D-ring.

Mastiff Collar

Would look simply gorgeous all decorated up!  Think Great Dane,
Clifford the Big Red Dog,

Thursday, July 28, 2011

"How to know you are a Parent with Adult ADHD" or "Out of the Mouths of Babes"...Big Bad...well just Bad.


Soooo...speaking of the devil...

(why do so many of my conversations begin this way lately...)

Lorelei was on a mission today.  She got out her piggy bank.  Removed all the money.  And announced she needed to buy something.

I asked, "what?"


Cautioning restraint on such financial matters, I had her put everything back (2 bills and gold dollar :-) except for one dollar and explained that the one bill would be enough to buy "CANDY!".  She very skeptically capitulated with the promise that we "go soon". to Hobby Lobby we went (I needed a component for a birthday gift this weekend anyway).

Since we are clearly off the freeway now, Lorelei wants to know when we will get to the store.  I gesture to Hobby Lobby, now visible, and explain we just need to turn at the light.

Red Light.

The back seat driving (shouting) has already begun.


Hmmm...been riding a little too much with Daddy lately?

You see one of the best things that has ever happened to my marriage was reading the book SPARK: The revolutionary science of excercise and the brain .  You see, he examines abnormal brain functions in order to explain normal brain function.

Herewith, my husband comes into the conversation.  Abby Normal.

Thus the chapter on Adult ADHD.

You see again, my husband was one of those kids you gave coffee to in order to put him to sleep.

Let me say marriage is always an adventure.  Some of us just happen to get to live life a little more adventurously.

Then there is my husband.

Gwyneth, now 9, was the original 3 year old back seat driver:
(while searching for a parking spot at the community center) "OH! MY! GOD!  Some IDIOT parked in the RED ZONE!" 

Now in a certain husband's defense, he is very law abiding and a very good driver.  The problems occur when others are not law abiding.

The short version is he is forever banned from driving in mall parking lots at Christmas time.

But even hyperactive dogs can be trained.  As the book Spark discusses, energy can be channeled into positive directions.  He does very well in the school drop off / pick up conga line now.

The short version is he just parks and walks with the kids. :-)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ode to Summer. Big Bad...blech...

Soooo...a while back, before even the real heat set in, we celebrated the transition of our youngest from "the world's worst two year old" to the "world's worst three year old".

She had two requests for her party:  Balloons!!! And fresh corn from the farm a 1/2 mile over.  The farmer went and got her ears straight from the field...2 dozen...and we got balloons...2 dozen.

The corn was all gone...but the balloons were still up in the evening; therefor, we left them for the kids to enjoy...with the intent to pick up the withered remains in the morning.

If there was anyone out there that doubted the Arizona sun...this was what we found the next morning:  the balloons had already MELTED into the brick.  Even my husband "Mr. 105 is NOT hot!" was impressed and ran to get the camera...and this was back in JUNE!  (And only the morning sun!)

Shockingly, the sad saps east of the Rockies have been hotter than Arizona!  Now that is saying something!

Monday, July 18, 2011

My Next Pet!!!

These are so amazing.  They look like something just landed on the beach from another world.  This is sooooo my next pet.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Lets see the Dog Whisperer do this!!

All I can guess is that he sang a lot around the house while they were still in their Mama's belly?!!!? 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Awwww.... Big Bad Collars.

Yep...totally should be doing other stuff...but facebook is such a better use of my time...

Monday, May 30, 2011


Memorial Day.

Too few understand that the job of a soldier is to protect human life.

They stand tall so that we may walk free.  They show humanity in places where there is none.

It is our job to protect their memories.

Wounded Warrior Project 

Packages from Home

Military Working Dog cooling vest donations

Any Soldier


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011


"Justice has been done," Obama said.

"I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude," the former president said in a statement. "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."

And this is the way it gets done.
Unbroken over time and space. 

Too few understand that the job of a soldier is to protect human life.  They stand tall so that we may walk free.  

I read the quibbling on facebook and in the comments sections.  The people who fight for us don't care who gave the orders, they just know it is the right thing to do.  Osama Bin Laden hated us all, sought to kill us all, indiscriminately.  And our soldiers protect us all, indiscriminately.  Our leaders are required to do the same.  And we each bear the same burden for one another.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

We must pursue justice before we can establish or promote anything.
And we must protect it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Both my older girls are part tomboy, in different ways.  One is a fashionista...daredevil.  The other loves all things cute, pink, fluffy...and dinosaur...and reptiles...and monster trucks...and ironman...and F-22's... and ...  This year the oldest had only one request for Easter.  Not chocolate.  Not candy.  Not a fluffy bunny.


There are some logistical problems to consider when it comes to fluffy mythical cottontails carrying 6ft units of lumber.  For the first time ever, the bunny delivered a gift Home a nine year old fashionista.  (The same one heard to shout on her birthday "my shovel!  You got the exact one I wanted at Home Depot!"  The next morning I caught her digging a pit trap for her friends coming over later..." you have like a sheet or picnic blanket that would cover...)

This same child often acts as if I am poisoning her at dinner.  Most everything I cook is offensive at best.  Considering she once ate a cricket on a dare...with less gagging than she does for my meatballs...It is particularly noteworthy that last night she ate Spinach!  and liked it!

Since it was such a landmark event, I offer to mothers and hostesses of the world this celebratory recipe.  Of course I was too stunned to get a picture of the food...they actually ate it! before it occurred to me.

Taken from Fanny Farmer, my favorite "go to" cookbook.  I served this many times for guests in Japan since it was so innocuous, flavorful and plates so prettily.  It was one of those things that I had just put aside for 10 years...and revisited on a night with too little in the fridge and too fussy kids.


1 large bunch spinach (about 1 pound)
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves garlic minced (I was lazy and didn't bother to mince since they puree later)
2 tablespoons heavy cream (half and half was what was in my fridge :-)
1/4 cup mayonnaise

Lasagna noodles, 1lb, cooked

2 chicken breasts:  cubed and sauteed in olive oil, dill, marjoram, Italian seasoning, salt
Wash the spinach, place in a pot with the water that clings to the leaves; cover and cook on medium high for about 2 min, until the leaves have wilted.  Add the olive oil and the garlic to the pan and saute for about 1 minute.  Puree the spinach mixture in a food processor or blender until you have a smooth puree.  Add the cream and mayonnaise and process until blended.  Add salt to taste.  Serve immediately or keep warm gently.

I only had lasagna noodles left sooo...

Artfully arrange 2 or 3 full lasagna noodles on the plate
Sprinkle or swirl the sauce prettily over the noodles
Then sprinkle with sauteed herbed chicken breast

Serve with shaker Parmesan cheese for kids, or the fresh stuff for the kid at heart...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter! Big Bad Collars.

Just emphasizing the need for
big dogs.
Our kids will sleep safe tonight :-)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

PATIENCE is NOT his VIRTUE. Big Bad Collars

We are getting a new fence (finally!  HOORAY! HOORAY!)
But one member of the family is not too happy....
Talk about the King of Sulking...
But I personally couldn't be HAPPIER!  We are talking Church Lady Euphoric Happy!

He will be too when it is all done!